Amy Churchwell
User-centric front end software engineer with experience working on large-scale projects on distributed teams. Passionate about open source, accessibility, and web performance.
- Sass
- Less
- JavaScript ES6
- React
- Redux
- Angular
- jQuery
- Django
- Git
- Mercurial
- Gulp
- Webpack
- Node.js
- Typescript
- Karma
- Jasmine
- Mocha
- Selenium
Front End Software Engineer - Mozilla
Firefox Desktop
Firefox is a privacy-focused open source web browser. Supported on Mac, Windows, and Linux.
- Entered existing codebase to take sole ownership in a large, in-progress redesign of Firefox’s New Tab Page, a surface that supports ~400 million daily sessions. Using React, Redux, Sass, Mocha.
- Partnered with product management, QA, UX and content designers to develop and execute a roadmap that balanced new features with ongoing product quality work.
- Triaged and tracked bugs using Bugzilla and Jira.
- Participant in diversity & inclusion initiative, Mozilla Inclusion Champions, which directly informed Mozilla’s engineering hiring and promotion practices.
- Refactored large parts of the Firefox front end to support new theming features. is a large-scale, open-source Django web application that serves millions of users each day.
- Balanced fast-paced feature building with the maintenance and technical roadmapping of a long-term project.
- Wrote functional tests with Selenium and pytest. Behavioral unit tests with Jasmine and Karma.
- Used progressive enhancement best practices for cross-browser compatibility. Enhanced support for IE10+, with basic support for IE9 and below.
- Mentored and onboarded junior developers.
Conversion Rate Optimization
- Led engineering on the Conversion Rate Optimization team, experiments deployed within the first 6 months predicted to earn an additional 2.54 million desktop downloads per year.
- Collaborated with product engineering teams to deliver in-house JavaScript A/B testing platforms on multiple Mozilla web properties.
Protocol Design System is Mozilla’s modular web design system. Node.js platform, published to NPM.
- Built responsive and accessible web components using Sass CSS preprocessing.
- Wrote cross-browser compatible JavaScript with unit tests.
Front End Web Developer - Pancake Creative
- Refactored legacy Angular application to React. Used Redux for state management.
- Delivered reusable components and stateful app features reflecting brand guidelines and user stories.
Vocational school for programmers. Specialized in Front End Web Development.
University of West Florida
Graduated: BA, Graphic Design.
School of Visual Arts
Took BFA Graphic Design courses.